Heim 1. tbl 2022 Fréttatilkynning frá Íþróttasambandi fatlaðra (ÍF)

Fréttatilkynning frá Íþróttasambandi fatlaðra (ÍF)

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Reykjavík, 23. september 2022

Yfirlýsing vegna stöðu mála í Úkraínu

Norræn íþróttasamtök, ólympíunefndir og íþróttasamtök fatlaðra, héldu sinn árlega fund í Osló dagana 22. – 23. september sl.

Á þeim fundi var eftirfarandi yfirlýsing samþykkt, varðandi stöðu mála í Úkraínu.

Yfirlýsingin er til komin vegna nýjustu vendinga í stríði Rússa við Úkraínu síðustu daga og hótanir um beitingu kjarnorkuvopna.

Yfirlýsingin hefur þegar verið send til Alþjóðaólympíunefndarinnar (IOC), Evrópusambands Ólympíunefnda (EOC), Heimssambands Ólympíunefnda (ANOC), Alþjóðaólympíuhreyfingar fatlaðra (IPC) og Evrópuhluta IPC (EPC).

 Statement from the Nordic Olympic Committees, Paralympic Committees, and Sports Confederations on the escalating Russian aggression in Ukraine

The Nordic Olympic Committees, Paralympic Committees and Sports Confederations find the Russian invasion of Ukraine to be a blatant breach of international law.
The Russian aggression in Ukraine is escalating. Under these circumstances, it will be unacceptable to open up for Russian and Belarusian international sports participation. We stand firmly in our position. Now is not the right time to consider their return.
We call upon the Olympic and Paralympic Movement and all international sports organisations to continue to show solidarity with the Ukrainian people and the demand for peace. We give our full support to the recommendations of no participation of all Russian and Belarusian athletes and officials in international sports.
This statement has been approved by the Presidents of the following organisations:

Danish Olympic Committee and Confederation of Sports, Hans Natorp 
Danish Paralympic Committee, John Petersson

Finnish Olympic Committee, Jan Vapaavuori
Finnish Paralympic Committee, Sari Rautio

The National Olympic and Sports Association of Iceland, Lárus Blöndal
The National Paralympic Committee of Iceland, Thordur Arni Hjaltested

Norwegian Olympic and Paralympic Committee and Confederation of Sports, Berit Kjøll

Swedish Olympic Committee, Mats Årjes

Swedish Confederation of Sports, Björn Eriksson
Swedish Paralympic Committee, Åsa Llinares Norlin

The Sports Confederation of Greenland, Nuka Kleemann

Faroe Islands
Faroese Confederation of Sports and Olympic Committee, Elin Heðinsdóttir
Faroe Islands Paralympic Committee, Petur Elias Petersen

Åland Islands Sports Federation, Anders Ingves

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